Bidh an t-sreath lorgairean seo a’ gabhail ri dealbhadh modal gnìomh aonaichte, a tha goireasach airson iomlaid teth air an làrachagusath-chur. Faodaidh e a bhith uidheamaichte le diofar sheòrsaichean de luchd-mothachaidh, leithid sensor catalytic, sensor semiconductor, sensor electrochemical, sensor infridhearg (IR), sensor photoion (PID), msaa agus lorgaidh e diofar cho-chruinneachaidhean gas puinnseanta agus lasanta (ppm/% Lel /%VOL) air an làrach. The detector has the characteristics of flexible combination, quick and easy replacement, stable performance, good consistency, high sensitivity, low power consumption, multiple outputs and optional detection methods. It is widely used in petroleum, chemical industry, pharmacy, steel, special industrial plants and other places with combustible or toxic and harmful gases.
Fàilte a bhith cliog air a 'phutan Rannsachaidh gus na samples an-asgaidh fhaighinn!