

Kuti muyankhe mwachangu ku "Made in China 2025", fulumizitsani ntchito yomanga mzinda watsopano wanzeru ndikulimbikitsa kumanga "China yotetezeka" yanzeru.Pa May 10-12, 2018, 18th Chengdu International Social Safety Products ndi Chiwonetsero cha Technology chinachitikira ku Chengdu New Century International Convention and Exhibition Center.Motsogozedwa ndi Sichuan Big Data Industry Federation ndi Chengdu Cloud Computing Industry Alliance.Motsogozedwa ndi Sichuan Big Data Industry Federation ndi Chengdu Cloud Computing Industry Alliance, Sichuan Big Data Industry Association ndi Chengdu Shengshi Qianqiu Exhibition Co., Ltd. inachititsa kuti "Cloud Network Convergence, Smart Security" Big Data· Cloud, Smart Security Summit Forum, yomwe inakonzedwanso masana a 11, malo a Hall 2. a Chengdu New Century International Convention and Exhibition Center.

Pa November 19, 2018, msonkhano wachiwiri wa Sino-German Intelligent Manufacturing and Production Process Networking Cooperation Forum unachitikira ku Beijing.Msonkhanowu unachitikira ndipo unachitikira ndi Chen Xiongxiong, Wachiwiri kwa nduna ya mafakitale ndi Information Technology.Jianguo Zhang, Wachiwiri kwa Nduna ya Sayansi ndi Technology, Oliver Vitek, State Secretary of the Germany Ministry of Economics and Energy and Michael Meister, State Secretary of the Ministry of Education and Research, anapezeka pa msonkhano.Oposa 300 oimira boma madipatimenti, mabizinesi, mayunivesite, mabungwe kafukufuku sayansi ndi mafakitale. Mabungwe ochokera ku China ndi Germany adatenga nawo gawo pamwambowu.

Kampani yathu idaitanidwanso kutenga nawo gawo pamwambo waukulu, komanso ntchito yowonetsera "Sino-German Intelligent Manufacturing (Industry 4.0) -Remote Supervision Service Platform for Life Cycle Management", idachita kafukufuku mogwirizana ndi Fraunhofer Institute of Germany, Shaofeng Xie. ,Mtsogoleri wa Unduna wa Zamakampani ndi Ukadaulo Waukadaulo ndi Mapulogalamu a Mapulogalamu, adatipatsa ife.

November 4th - 6th, 2020 (The 23rd) China International Gasi ndi teknoloji yotenthetsera ndi zipangizo zowonetsera zidzachitikira ku Chengdu Century City New International Convention and Exhibition Center.

Ife, Chengdu Action Electronic Joint-Stock Co.,Ltd, tikukuyembekezerani ku booth C07!

Nthawi yotumiza: Sep-15-2021